Our wide range of product for the ICU site supports busy medical staff with intuitive operation.
Treasure Every Breath
- Comprehensive modes and breath types
- Invasive ventilation, non-invasive ventilation, and high flow oxygen therapy
- Gentle Lung® package for lung protection applications
- Protective Control® for contagious disease and radiologic procedure applications
Migliorare la qualità della rianimazione
- Smart Cable
- SpO2, CO2, ECG, iNIBP
- Artifact suppression pads, P-700
- Audible Cue function for appropriate manual ventilation
- CPR feedback
Massima semplicità d’uso
- Flexible display
- Synthsized 18-lead ECG (option)
- DICOM/PDF output
- Web Server function
Bedside Monitor
Revolutionizing Relationship
Nihon Kohden Human-Machine interface technologies integrated
- Continuous Neuromonitoring
- Synthesized 18-lead ECG
- CO2 monitoring for both intubated and non-intubated patients
Sistema per cEEG in Terapia Intensiva
- Noise robust with built-in active amplifier
- 8 channels can be measured.
- Setup can be done in 5 minutes.
Hemodynamic monitoring beyond all expectations
Unità emodinamica
Enables PiCCO and ProAQT parameters to be measured with one unit
Central Monitor
Centrale di monitoraggio di alta fascia per la vostra rete di monitoraggio
Centrale di monitoraggio
- 32 patients monitoring
- Multi-parameter full disclosure—120 hours of 16 waveforms per patient
- ST recall of 12-lead ECG
*Some products are not available in your country. Contact Nihon Kohden representatives for details.