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Clinical Site Isolated ICU image

Isolated ICU

Isolated ICU

When a patient is placed in an isolated room, both the ventilator and bedside monitor can be operated from outside of the room. This increases the safety of medical staff.

Bedside Monitor

Life Scope G7 CSM-1700 thumbnail image
Revolucionar las relaciones
Life Scope G7 logo image

Nihon Kohden Human-Machine interface technologies integrated

  • Continuous Neuromonitoring
  • Synthesized 18-lead ECG
  • CO2 monitoring for both intubated and non-intubated patients


NKV-550 thumbnail image
Atesora cada respiración
NKV-550 logo image
  • Comprehensive modes and breath types
  • Invasive ventilation, non-invasive ventilation, and high flow oxygen therapy
  • Gentle Lung® package for lung protection applications
  • Protective Control® provides the clinician a safe, fully functional second user interface to easily implement needed ventilator setting changes when treating patients with contagious diseases while remaining within sight of the clinician.
Nihon Kohden Orangemed
Visite el sitio web de la empresa del grupo Nihon Kohden para obtener más información

*Some products are not available in your country. Contact Nihon Kohden representatives for details.