DynaScatter Laser +HEM488

DynaScatter Laser +HEM488

  • DynaScatter Laser Technology was initially developed for 5-part Differential with only one laser source. The DynaScatter Laser +HEM488 technology contributes to reticulocyte testing with the newly integrated  488 nm blue laser. 
  • First, nucleic acid staining solution stains the DNA and RNA in blood cells. Then, the 488 nm blue laser excites stained cells and identifies reticulocytes based on the fluorescent scattered light, using the RNP Method, for accurate reticulocyte measurement result. 

DynaScatter Laser

  • DynaScatter Laser optical technology truly analyzes and differentiates WBCs in near-native state. The innovative 3 angle scatter detector provides better detection of WBCs using precise light scattering measurement. 
  • Information on the WBC size from a small forward angle, information of cell structure and complexity of nucleo-chromatin particles from a large forward angle (FLS), and internal granularity and globularity information from a side angle (SDS) are plotted into a 3D graphic using a Nihon Kohden exclusive software algorithm.