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Cardiac safety - Never miss a beat

cardiolife connect

cardiolife connect

Ensure AED reliability with Cardiolife Connect. Real-time monitoring, GPS tracking, and notifications for Nihon Kohden AEDs. Customizable and compatible solution.

Between 30% and 40% of installed AEDs are either dysfunctional or not optimally localised – with often catastrophic results for victims of ​sudden cardiac arrest and their families

The innovative cardiolife connect AED surveillance solution in cooperation with CardiLink® gives you the status of your installed base at a glance. Never miss a beat with cardiolife connect. It provides full-service AED management including complete monitoring of the cardiolife AED-3100 and other Nihon Kohden AEDs.

It gives you information on the current status of the AED, as well as its exact GPS location. A notification is sent whenever the device is moved, opened or used on a patient. The dashboard is customisable to individual needs and preferences.

  • Full service
  • ​Complete monitoring
  • Customisable 


  • 24/7 readiness: Uninterrupted AED status updates allow for remote monitoring of the AED and ensure that it is ready for use at any time.
  • Accurate Localisation: With Cardiolifeconnect the AED-3100 can easily be localised via GPS signal.
  • Easy Data Access: The Dashboard allows a convenient overview of all related data. The APP (iOS, Android) is intuitive and facilitates data visualisation.  
  • Flexible safety: The user can define a customised geographic area for the AED, and receives notifications if the AED is moved outside of it.
  • Enhanced integration: Cardiolifeconnect offers an interface to other vendors for transmitting AED data to first responder rescue apps.
  • Full compatibility: The Cardiolifeconnect solution can be applied to the Cardiolife AED-3100, Cardiolife AED-21XX series, as well as other Nihon Kohden AEDs. Furthermore, cardiolife connect can be added to AEDs at a later stage after initial installation.

24/7 AED surveillance and readiness

Cardiolifeconnect is used for 24/7 monitoring of the AED.

  • Disposable pads' expiration date
  • Battery level
  • Self-test
  • Automated notifications

The user can program whether to receive notifications of daily and monthly self-tests or only when specific actions occur ( when the AED is turned on or when the AED leaves a specific location). Different types of notifications are offered: Email, SMS and Messenger services.


Cardiolifeconnect’s technology is comprised of a communication module and a web-accessible dashboard which provides a bird’s eye view of all AEDs, giving the operator the ability to monitor the service level and readiness of all deployed units at any given time. This singular, unified oversight can also be accessed via the CardiLink® apps for iOS and Android smartphones.

cardiolife connect dashboard mobile


The App intuitively facilitates the data visualisation. Registration is made the easiest way possible via the CardiLink® 2.0 App, available on both Android and iOS devices.


GPS tracking & Geo fencing

Cardiolife connect enables real GPS tracking. This means exact information where the AED is located on a digital map.
Several details of motion activity are available in a movement list.

In addition, the GEO fencing function triggers an alarm if the AED leaves a certain defined radius.

  • GPS tracking
  • The exact point of destination where an AED is used
  • Trigger alarm radius
  • Movement list
Overview cardiolife connect Deutsche Bank Park

Interface & compatibility

Due to the API interface, cardiolife connect offers a unique integration which is able to transfer data to mobile first-responder apps. This Solution is capable of full hardware compatibility. All AEDs of the Nihon Kohden portfolio can be equipped with the cardiolife connect solution retrospectively.

Applicable to the whole Nihon Kohden AED portfolio: