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Publications - PWTT

Publications - PWTT



Pulse Wave Velocity as a Measure of Blood Pressure Change.
Gribbin B.
Psychophysiology 13:86-90, 1976.


The Relationship Between Modified Pulse Wave Transit Time and Cardiovascular Changes in Isoflurane Anesthetized Dogs.
Ochiai R.
Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing 15:493-501, 1999.


Detection of Cardiovascular Instability by Pulse Wave Transit Time.
Ochiai R.
Anesthesiology V91, No 3A:A549, 1999 [ASA Abstract].


Mechanism Affecting Relationship Between Pulse Wave Transit Time and Blood Pressure in Isoflurane Anesthetized Dogs.
Ochiai R. et al.
Anesthesia & Analgesia, 86:S222, 1998 [IARS abstract].


The Effect of the Pre-ejection Period Included in the Pulse Wave Transit Time.
Sugo Y.
APCMBE: 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Medical & Biological Engineering (APCMBE '99) PS-168, 1999 [APCMBE abstract].


Comparison of the Relationship Between Blood Pressure and Pulse Wave Transit Times at Different Sites.
Sugo Y. et al.
Proceedings of The First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference, 222, 1999 [IEEE abstract].


Evaluation of the Pulse Wave Arrival Time as a Marker for Blood Pressure Changes in Critical Ill Infants and Children.
Wipperman CF.
Journal of Clinical Monitoring, vol. 11 No.5, September, 1995.