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Product Accessory hero image

Комплектующие и расходные материалы

Комплектующие и расходные материалы

Датчики SpO₂

  • thumb reusable probe
    Reusable probes
    The product lineup page for reusable probes.
  • thumb single patient use probes
    Single-patient use probes
    The product lineup page for reusable probes.
  • Product Accessory SpO2 thumbnail image
    SpO₂ датчик
    Принцип измерения SpO₂, пульсоксиметрии, разработан в 1970-х годах доктором Такуо Аояги, исследователем компании Nihon Kohden.

Датчики CO₂

  • Thumb TG-920P
    Mainstream CO₂ sensor kit TG-920P series
    The product lineup for mainstream CO₂ sensor kit TG-920P series.
  • thumb TG-980P
    Mainstream CO₂ sensor kit TG-980P series
    The product lineup for mainstream CO₂ sensor kit TG-980P series.
  • Product Accessory CO2 thumbnail image
    CO₂ sensors
    cap-ONE is Nihon Kohden's unique mainstream CO₂ sensor for both intubated and non-intubated patients for safer respiratory management.

Манжеты NIBP

  • Product Accessory NIBP thumb image
    Наручные устройства NIBP

Контуры пациента / Маски для NKV-330

  • NPPV masks thumbnail image
    Masks for NKV-330
    Contact your Nihon Kohden representative for more details.
  • Product Accessory circuit thumb image
    Контуры пациента / Маски для NKV-330
    The product lineup for ventilators. Contact your Nihon Kohdenrepresentative for more details.

Электроды одноразового использования

  • Thumb disposable electrode lineup
    Disposable Electrodes Product Lineup
    This is the product lineup page for Nihon Kohden's disposable electrodes.
  • thumb disposable electrode N
    Disposable electrodes
    The electrodes are composed of a base material, which attaches the electrode to the skin, and gel, which is used to measure ECG.

Паста и гель

  • Product Accessory paste and gel thumb image
    Paste and Gel
    These paste and gel are Nihon Kohden's genuine products. Contact your Nihon Kohden representative for more details.

Одноразовые прокладки

  • Product Accessory dispo-pad thumb image
    Disposable pads
    The product lineup page of disposable pads for our AEDs and defibrillators.
