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Celltac G MEK-9100 hero image
Fully-automatic hematology analyzer with 33 parameters

Celltac G

Celltac G MEK-9100 logo image


  • Up to 90 samples per hour
  • 33 parameters
  • Micro sampling capability
  • Continuous loading of samples via rack fed system
  • Up to 7 racks of 10 tubes
  • STAT/manual sample analysis
  • Laser scatter + flow cytometry technology
  • Built-in rocking mixing
  • Smart ColoRac Match system
  • Integrated validation station with touch screen
  • Reagent and controls management with barcodes
Celltac G+ MEK-9200 image 02
DynaHelix Flow technology

Basic specifications

Parameters33: WBC, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, PLT, PCT, MPV, PDW, P-LCR, NE, NE%, LY, LY%, MO, MO%, EO, EO%, BA, BA%,P-LCC*, Mentzer Index*, RDWI*, IG%*, IG#*, Band%*, Band#*, Seg%*, Seg#* 
(*) RUO parameters (Research Use Only)
Reagents5: 2 hemolyzing reagents, 1 diluent, 2 detergents
Sample volume CBC : 25 μL 
CBC+DIFF : 40 μL 
Pre-dilution mode : 20 μL
ThroughputUp to 90 samples /hour
OptionsSoftware kit MEK-9100, QS-023W 
Extra sample racks, T411A 
Waste sensor, JW-910W
Dimension/Weight675 W × 589 D × 576 H mm, 66 kg
Celltac G MEK-9100 thumbnail image