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Il nostro sito web è attualmente in fase di traduzione e, di conseguenza, alcune pagine potrebbero temporaneamente apparire in inglese. Apprezziamo la vostra comprensione mentre lavoriamo per offrire un'esperienza multilingue. Grazie per la vostra pazienza!

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General Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions

For all supplies and services of NIHON KOHDEN EUROPE GmbH and NIHON KOHDEN DEUTSCHLAND GmbH in commercial transactions with businesses, the “General Conditions for the Supply of Products and Services of the Electrical and Electronics Industry (Grüne Lieferbedingungen – GL)” issued by the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI, Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V.) shall apply in the most recent version (currently that of January 2022).

─ German text follows English ─


Additionally, the “Software Clause for the provision of standard software forming an integral part of supplies” issued by the German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI) shall apply in the most recent version.

─ German text follows English  ─