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cardiolife AED-2152K hero image
Save a life with Cardiolife AED

cardiolife AED

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Biphasic Defibrillation

Nihon Kohden's Cardiolife AED-2150 is an automated external defibrillator that simplifies and streamlines the defibrillation process for first responders in an emergency situation.

In addition to easy-to-follow voice instructions, the Cardiolife AED-2150 also offers graphical instructions on the display screen, which are very useful in noisy environments. It also includes an option to display the ECG waveform on the screen and ECG analysis, if requested by specialist personnel.

Cardiolife AED-2150 can be used in both adults and children, with the same electrodes, as the discharge energy can be reduced by selecting the “child mode”. The daily and monthly tests that the device performs automatically guarantee its availability for use, and its functionality can be easily controlled with the status indicator.

thumbnail accessories and consumables


Human Machine Interface, which is the user interface that connects human and machine, is very important for visualizing processes inside the body. Nihon Kohden develops and produces many important accessories and consumables like sensors and electrodes.
