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Nihon Kohden released its first ventilators in global market in 2019. With unique technologies and a variety of ventilation modes, these devices provide safe mechanical ventilation management suitable for various medical settings.
- NKV-440Il ventilatore NKV-440 è un ventilatore a turbina per cure critiche da neonato ad adulto, dotato della stessa interfaccia utente del modello NKV-550.
- NKV-550The NKV-550 Series Ventilator System is a comprehensive neonatal through adult mechanical ventilator. Relying on clinically proven modalities and features, the NKV-550 provides the clinician a highly customizable platform to help improve the outcome of the patients they care for while reducing hospital costs.
- NKV-330The NKV-330 is a turbine-driven, non-invasive ventilator that provides respiratory support (including high-flow oxygen therapy) to adult and pediatric patients. The NKV-330 provides the clinician with a highly customizable platform to help improve patient care reduce hospital costs.
Accessories and Consumables
Human Machine Interface, which is the user interface that connects human and machine, is very important for visualizing processes inside the body. Nihon Kohden develops and produces many important accessories and consumables like sensors and electrodes.
Tecnologie innovative
Nihon Kohden ha sviluppato tecnologie innovative e uniche che contribuiscono al progresso delle cure mediche. Affrontiamo con coraggio nuove sfide, mantenendo un occhio di riguardo per i dettagli e tenendo presente lo spirito dei fondatori.
Prodotti per Specialità
La missione di Nihon Kohden è quella di utilizzare la sua tecnologia e i suoi prodotti all'avanguardia per supportare il trattamento medico in tutte le aree cliniche, dalle emergenze alla diagnosi, al trattamento e alla riabilitazione.