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Celltac Es MEK-7300 hero image
WBC 5-part diff. for everyone

Celltac Es

Celltac Es MEK-7300 logo image

DynaScatter laser technology

  • Stain free measurement using laser scattering technology reduces reagent consumption.
  • Sheath flow in the measurement path arranges blood cells in a straight line for accurate test results.
Celltac Es MEK-7300 image 03

Data collection and analysis

  • The angle and intensity of scattered light, which vary depending on the volume and characteristics of each cell, are measured and the measurement data are collected and analyzed.
  • 3 scattergrams and 3 histograms are shown on a 10.4-inch display.
Celltac Es MEK-7300 image 04

Other features

  • Optional handy barcode reader operation
  • Optional built-in printer
  • Optional LIS connection function
  • Provides reliable results through the "ADVANCED COUNT" function for low PLT/WBC samples.

*The image shown here may differ in appearance from the actual product.

Celltac Es MEK-7300 image 02

Basic specifications

23 clinical parametersWBC, NE%, LY%, MO%, EO%, BA%,NE#, LY#, MO#, EO#, BA#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD,PLT, PCT, PDW, MPV
2 research parametersIG#, IG%
Sample volume CBC : 30uL / CBC+DIFF : 55 uL
Through putOpen mode : approx. 60 samples/min.
Dimension/WeightW 382 x D 465 x H 532 mm, approx. 35kg
Celltac Es MEK-7300 image 01