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Celltac α+ MEK-1305 hero image
Automated 3-part diff. hematology analyzer with ESR

Celltac α+

Celltac α+ MEK-1305 logo image

CiRHEX Technology

  • ESR test results in only 2 min.
  • Only 80μL of whole blood required for CBC, 3-part diff. and ESR results.
  • Accurate ESR results from a dedicated measurement unit using CBC and aggregated RBC data.
  • Does not require any special sedimentation tubes.
  • Does not require any special reagents for the ESR test.
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DynaHelix Flow Technology

  • Sheath flow arranges blood cells in a straight line, and swirling flow pushes cells out and reduces "re-entry" of blood cells that have passed the detection aperture.
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Other features

  • 60 tests/hour for CBC+3-part diff.
  • ASTM protocol for LIS connection.
  • Handy barcode reader operation.
  • Operation with Nihon Kohden's genuine reagents.
  • Westgard multirules in QC mode.
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Basic specifications

21 reportable parametersWBC, LY%, MO%, GR%, LY#, MO#, GR#, RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD,PLT, PCT, MPV, PDW, P-LCR, ESR
11 research parameters(ESR) HCT corr., ESR TEMP corr., SA, AMP, AI, MIN, t1/2
(Others) P-LCC, Mentzer Index, RDWI, NLR
Sample volume CBC with 3-part diff. and ESR: 80 uL
ThroughputCBC with 3-part diff. : 1 min./test 
CBC with 3-part diff. and ESR: 2min./test
Internal memoryMaximum 50,000 data
Dimension/WeightW230 x H450 x D428 mm, approx. 21kg
Celltac α+ MEK-1305 thumbnail image