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Diagnostica in Vitro

Diagnostica in Vitro

In the IVD field, we have developed blood cell counters and devices that measure HbA1c, an indicator of diabetes, as well as CRP and ESR, which indicate the degree of inflammation in the body. We also develop and produce various in-house reagents. We will continue to explore unique technologies that enable accurate measurement with a small amount of blood, as well as operability and functionality that support medical professionals.

Analizzatori ematologici in 5 parti

  • Celltac G MEK-9100 thumbnail image
    Celltac G MEK-9100
    24 reportable parameters and 9 research parameters are available.
  • Celltac G+ MEK-9200 thumbnail image
    Celltac G+ MEK-9200
    Flagship model of Celltac series. 31 reportable prameters including reticulocyte (RET) parameters, and 8 research parameters are available.
  • Celltac Es MEK-7300 thumbnail image
    Celltac Es MEK-7300K
    Basic model for 5-part differential. 23 reportable parameters and 2 research parameters are available.

Analizzatori ematologici in 3 parti

  • Celltac α MEK-6500 thumbnail image
    Celltac α MEK-6500
    Basic model for 3-part differential. 19 parameters are available.
  • Celltac α+ MEK-1303 thumbnail image
    Celltac α+ MEK-1303
    Including CBC, CRP and HbA1c, 22 reportable parameters and 4 research parameters are available.
  • Celltac α+ MEK-1305 thumbnail image
    Celltac α+ MEK-1305
    Including ESR, 22 reportable parameters and 10 research parameters are available.
  • celltac α MEK-1301-MEK-1302 thumbnail
    Celltac α MEK-1301/1302
    20 reportable parameters and 4 research parameters including NLR are available.


  • Celltac α MEK-6550 thumbnail image
    Celltac α MEK-6550K
    Veterinary use. 21 parameters for dogs, cats, cows and horses are available.
thumbnail accessories and consumables

Accessories and Consumables

Human Machine Interface, which is the user interface that connects human and machine, is very important for visualizing processes inside the body. Nihon Kohden develops and produces many important accessories and consumables like sensors and electrodes.


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Tecnologie innovative

Nihon Kohden ha sviluppato tecnologie innovative e uniche che contribuiscono al progresso delle cure mediche. Affrontiamo con coraggio nuove sfide, mantenendo un occhio di riguardo per i dettagli e tenendo presente lo spirito dei fondatori.


Clinical site index thumbnail image

Prodotti per Specialità

La missione di Nihon Kohden è quella di utilizzare la sua tecnologia e i suoi prodotti all'avanguardia per supportare il trattamento medico in tutte le aree cliniche, dalle emergenze alla diagnosi, al trattamento e alla riabilitazione.