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Nihon Kohden developed blood cell counters and devices. We also develop and produce various in-house reagents.

Hematology Analyzer

Celltac G+ MEK-9200 thumbnail image
Automated hematology analyzer with 5-part diff. and reticulocyte parameters
Celltac G+ MEK-9200 logo image
  • WBC 5-part diff. hematology analyzer with an autoloader and a staining technology
  • 90 tests/hour for CBC+5-part diff.
  • 31 clinical parameters including reticulocyte parameters
  • HL7 protocol for LIS connection
Celltac α+ MEK-1305 thumbnail image
Automated 3-part diff. hematology analyzer with ESR
Celltac α+ MEK-1305 logo image
  • MEK-1305 is WBC 3-part diff. hematology analyzer with ESR parameters.
  • ESR results can be shown in around 2 minutes.
Celltac α+ MEK-1303 thumbnail image
Automated 3-part diff. hematology analyzer with CRP and HbA1c
Celltac α+ MEK-1305 logo image

MEK-1303 is WBC 3-part diff. hematology analyzer with CRP and HbA1c.

*Some products are not available in your country. Contact Nihon Kohden representatives for details.