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NKV-440 hero image
Treasure Every Breath


NKV-440 logo image

NKV family


  • Seamlessly transitions patients between invasive ventilation, non-invasive ventilation, and high-flow oxygen therapy.
  • Hot-swappable external battery.
  • HEPA filtered, high-performance internal turbine.
  • Integrated pneumatic nebulizer and Aerogen nebulizer support.
  • Comprehensive Monitoring: SpO2, CO2, P0.1, Volumetric Capnography
  • Modern, intuitive, and customizable application-based (App) user interface.
  • Gentle Lung®: guided steps for Recruitability Assessment, Recruitment Maneuvers and PEEP-Titration.
thumbnail accessories and consumables

Accessories and Consumables

Human Machine Interface, which is the user interface that connects human and machine, is very important for visualizing processes inside the body. Nihon Kohden develops and produces many important accessories and consumables like sensors and electrodes.
