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Central Monitor CNS-6201 hero image
Superior central information system for your monitoring network

Central Monitor

Central Monitor

Central Monitor CNS-6201 image 01

Appropriate alarm management

  • Alarm event screen provides an overview of the alarms to decide appropriate alarm settings.
  • All vital alarm settings can be seen at a glance. This helps to quickly check the settings.
  • The alarm indicator at the top of the display shows alarm information by blinking or steady lighting conditions and color. Caregivers can notice the alarm condition easily and intuitively.

Flexible data management

  • Data backup by RAID 1 and hot swappable storage secures the important data.
  • HL7 & RS-232C data output supported for flexible interface.
  • Flexible data review screen provides an overview of all patient data.

Intuitive operation

  • Easy-to-use operation enables all caregivers to operate the monitor.
  • 24-inch wide touchscreen display provides you with all the information you need.

Tutorial video